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The Living Harmony movement
LIVHA (acronym) is a co-created association to give first place to the inner beauty that resides within each person.
Through the organization of events, classes, practices and community projects, the movement touches on all essential aspects of life so that everyone can be empowered to achieve their best and find full fulfillment. Together, we give meaning to our actions in order to contribute to the evolution of a more conscious society.
Who is behind the movement?
Living Harmony (Livha) was initiated by Quentin Disneur who can be described, among other things, as a spiritual teacher. Through qualities of visionary and entrepreneur, he naturally drove a movement of gathering and creating from the heart.
Today, through various courses and events held wherever there is a call, Quentin is dedicated to spreading a message of wisdom and harmony allowing beings to touch what is deepest within themselves, to reveal their inner beauty, their innate potential and to radiate it into the different areas of their lives.